This coming Saturday, October 2nd, marks the Feast of the Guardian Angels in the Catholic Church.
Surely, you cradle RC's can remember;
Angel of God, My Guardian Dear
to whom God's love commits me here.
Ever this day be at my side
to light and guard and rule and guide.
Grave yard Rabbits especially need a good Guardian Angel at their side, particuarly when investigating places like say...Inglewood. Or Angelus-Rosedale.
When I first blew into town, I thought NOTHING of just chugging into wilds of West Adams/Crenshaw district to go and photograph Angelus-Rosedale. Oh, yeah, leave the purse in the car, the whole bit as I meandered about, camera in hand.
So without further ado, lets's explore some of the angels of LA's grave yards.

This trio of winged love all hail from Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Whittier over near the LA Morgue. Within the gates, all is well. Outside is a different issue. Never the less, the visual treats that await within Calvary are almost worth the threat of a stray bullet crashing through the windshield.
Being a Catholic burying ground, angels abound.

I've often thought that this image would make a great Christmas card for an out of state relative and it would read:
"Merry Christmas! Please don't die next year!
I can't afford the airfare if you do."

More winsome winged wonders from Whittier.

Some angels give directions....going up!

One of my personel favorites!

Angels, angels everywhere!!
So give a shout-out of thanks to your Guardian Angel on Saturday!
Greetings Graveyard Rabbit! My name is Sheri Fenley. I have the "Meet A Rabbit" column over at the Graveyard Rabbit Association. I would like to feature your blog in the column. Please contact me at: