Sorry for the looonnggg delay between posts. Lots going on in the real world.
Anyhow...we are now in NOVEMBER which, in the Catholic Church is the time for souls.
Whose souls? ALL SOULS.
There was a time, (notice how I keep saying how there USED to be a time whenever I speak about the church militant? Sad. Very.), when one could expect to encounter any number of people strolling about the cemetery, rosary beads in hand praying prayers for the dead, especially in the first 8 days of November.
Whether you believe this or not, our prayers do help the departed. So take some time in the next 8 days. Find a cemetery and say a little prayer for the souls of those who have left their marble/granite/bronze calling cards in the place.
All you lose is maybe a few minutes. Someone else may gain peace for all eternity.